Morpheme Brahmi Improve Alertness

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Morpheme Brahmi Improve Alertness


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Morpheme Brahmi (Bacopa) Improve Alertness (60 veg capsules)


Morpheme Remedies Bacopa capsule contains high quality Bacopa monnieri leaves extract. It is a natural product. Free from additives, fillers, binders and synthetic products, this Bacopa supplement is among the best quality products available in the market. Bacopa capsules are well tolerated and can be taken for a long time.


Scientists have identified phytochemicals called bacosides in the Bacopa monnieri leaves with nootropic properties. The neuroprotective property of Brahmi is primarily attributed to the antioxidant activity of the phytochemicals present in the Brahmi leaves. Bacopa (Brahmi) is beneficial for the overall health of the brain. Free from side effects, Bacopa is a safe ayurvedic product for both children and adults


The company that has put in great efforts and a straight forward approach of revealing world the secrets of ayurveda, which has been long lying, untouched in Vedas and puranas (world oldest scripted books), to uncover the secrets, which our ancient scientists had worked on and compiled in our ancient texts. Due to non-tiring efforts of each member of morpheme family has lead to make world aware of the beauty of ayurvedic herbs and their excellent effects on our body. Our specialized team of ayurvedic doctors has done extensive research in searching out hidden formulations mentioned in ayurvedic texts like Charak Samhita, Sushurut Samhita, Ashtang Hridayam, and botanical texts like bhav Prakash nighantu to make this world aware of magic that ayurvedic herbs can do.

Scientifically designed herbal formulations that pass through rigorous quality tests at all the stages from raw material selection to the final products created. Company strictly follows Good manufacturing norms laid by government of India in schedule “T” in Indian drug act.


We are bound to provide you with the best quality products that can be made by the means of latest technology and gadgets available till date. Before you receive the product, it has to pass through rigorous tests and quality checks of international standards to make your money worth. An herb is first checked for its efficacy till it matches the standards laid in Ayurvedic Pharmacopoeia of India (API). It includes physical inspection like size, colour and odor of required herb. Then chemical tests are being conducted like LOD (Loss on drying), ASE (Alcohol soluble extract), WSE (water soluble extract), FM (foreign matter), TA (Total ash), AIA (Acid insoluble ash), VO / EO (Volatile oil/essential oil). Finally TLC (thin layered chromatography) is done. Products are manufactured under the guidelines laid by Indian government under strict supervision of ayurvedic pharmacists.

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